I have nothing to write.

Sometimes I have nothing to write.

And that makes me upset.


I have so many thoughts in my head,

I feel as if I am suffocating.

But I have nothing to write.

My thoughts run wild and crazy in my mind.

Yet my hands are still, sitting on top of the keyboard,


Dangling the pen over the paper in front of me.

I have nothing to write, but so much to say,….so much to say.

My thoughts cause me frustration and need to be released. Yet my words cut like razors when they come from my mouth. So pen and paper are safer…..

But I have nothing to write.

Writing is safer, more room for mistakes.

Can’t take back  spoken words.

So I choose to write. But again,

I have nothing to write.

Just thoughts running crazy and rampantly in my head.

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